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  • Writer's pictureNext Generation Marketing Inc.

Get Uncomfortable

“The biggest rewards are always placed on the other side of the toughest struggles”

said Kevin Braden, CEO/ Founder of Next Generation Marketing, Inc.

When we look at young children and they go through a growth spurt it physically hurts them because they are experiencing lots of growth quickly. But this is not where it stops. We as humans see this in many aspects of our life. Some people embrace the uncomfortable and others run from it.

When going through growth within a business you will be stretched and pulled and if your skill set and foundation are solid you can fall back on your experience and thrive and make it to the other side. If you have not built a structure and have not taken the time to build a solid foundation, and you have not taken the time to work on your skillset, you may fall off and say it is "too hard".

Embracing growth means embracing being uncomfortable.

"You must be uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable, then find a way to dig in more to become uncomfotable again."

said Jerrick Powell, Business Partner & CEO of J.I.P. & Associates, Inc.

Here at Next Generation Marketing, Inc., we are focused on staying outside of our comfort zone. We know that we need to get uncomfortable to see success. We have a business plan that is focused on growth and as our team grows our clients grow out of default and here is how:

1. Everyone coming into our business no matter how much or how little experience someone may have, must start at ground level learning all of the details with our client events. The best part about this is every new member of our team is paired up with a mentor that will help guide, coach, and train them for success at whatever rate they are comfortable with. But it is imperative for everyone on our team to learn all of the basics about our events including our marketing strategies… and not just the words, but how to get action behind the words.

2. Once someone knows all of the details, they are able to start the journey of growth within our business and now start to manage a full event from beginning to end to ensure it is a successful event for our clients. They will also get the opportunity to start to train others to do the same.

Without these two steps, nobody would be able to grow, not our team and especially not our clients. Anyone managing any aspect of our company needs to know the ground level of what is happening in the events themselves. This way they would be able to continue their journey into a more executive position learning more about the backend of our business and how we run a successful business.

Have you taken a look at your own personal and professional growth and seen how much you have grown this year so far? If the answer is none and you are in the same place you were in January of 2022, then it is time to reevaluate and figure out how to step back and get uncomfortable to get that growth! If you do not know what needs to be done to see that growth that you are desiring find someone who is in the position or company that you want to be in! Build a relationship and start to pick their brain! Don’t wait for a whole year to pass you by without seeing any type of growth!

Continue to follow our Social Media to continue to learn new skills regarding growth!


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